Terry Young

⚙️ AWS Certified Devops Engineer • 🧑🏾‍💻 Software Developer
- automation
- python, node, js
- aws

My Projects

Checkout my projects and projects built off of forks!

Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
HTML 0 0
This project is for the now and future developing jobdetective! My first open source code!
Python 0 0
A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
Public projects for reference!
Python 0 0
Scrape problems and solutions from codingbat
AWS ECS terraform module
Source code for a tutorial on Medium I published - "Deploying Containers on Amazon’s ECS using Fargate and Terraform: Part 2"
A simple Windows and Linux RAT/Backdoor + Keylogger written in Python3 using sockets

All That Interest Me!

Most of what I do on a day to day